Five days after vertical construction on the new Orion roller coaster began as construction workers began erecting the maintenance platform columns, the first of 184 pieces of track was installed.
Labelled ST9, the track piece was placed where the ride station will be located.
Opening spring 2020, Orion will be one of only seven giga coasters in the world, a class of roller coasters having a height or drop of 300-399 feet.
Riders on Orion will plummet down an exhilarating 300-foot drop before sending them on a high-speed journey over seven more hills at speeds up to 91 mph on the tallest and fastest roller coaster at Kings Island, and the longest steel roller coaster at 5,321 feet.
Looking for a LIVE feed as construction goes on? WATCH HERE!
Here is a look at how the ride will look upon completion next year!