Circleville – A massive fire on July 31st 2012 burned a hole into the hearts of local Circleville Residents.
Circle D was before my time, but I continuously am reminded on what a central hub for kids the location was.
Accoridng to reports, the fire broke out in the early morning hours and when emergency crews arrived on the scene most of the building was fully engulfed. The fire was so large Circleville called for mutual aid from Pickaway County units and Fairfield to help contain the fire to just one building. By daybreak, the building was gone but one wall.
Located at 144 E. Main St the Roller Rink, Bowling Alley, Pool hall was open to the masses on Fridays and Saturdays from 6:00p.m.- 11:00 p.m.
A Facebook page called, Circle D Remembered, captures what the building and business meant to others.
“I LOVED Circle D, looked forward for Friday to here so I could ready to up. I was generally home all week so I always looked forward for to going up to CIRCLE D EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT!!,” Said one person on the page.
“It is sad that kids and adults don’t have circle d anymore remember spent a few new years eves there”

“This place was like a second home to me I was here every weekend it’s sad what happened and I will always miss this place. I wish it was still up so I could maybe take my kids here one day so they could love and enjoy the great times and memories here like I did. No skating rink will be as great as Circle D.”
Sadly the last wall in a reminder of the building was torn down and an empty parking lot remains to this day.
Since then people have asked what Circleville has to offer as a replacement to the local place with no answer.