PICKAWAY – The Pickaway County Community Foundation has awarded $81,000.00 in total grants with a $10,000 grant awarded to the Pickaway County Visitation Center. The center, directed by Wendy Gatewood, provides children with a safe, conflict-free environment providing access to both parents during court-ordered visits. This keeps children away from disputes with their parents or other possible high-risk situations.
Pickaway County Job and Family Service (PCJFS) employees have been long-time payroll deduction contributors to the United Way of Pickaway County (UWPC). As the UWPC dissolves and gifts its funds to the Foundation, PCJFS has vowed to continue their support by pivoting their donations to the Foundation’s Community Impact Fund. This fund was created to receive the UWPC’s assets and to be a vessel for the community to continue making donations. Those donations will be returned to non-profit agencies in Pickaway County through grants.