ROSS – A 14-year-old was treated for a shooting that happened in Frankfort yesterday.
According to the Ross County sheriff’s office, they responded to a residence in Frankfort after a 14-year-old was shot with a pellet gun in a nearby park. The sheriff reported that after interviewing the 14-year-old and a 12-year-old the cause was, “a falling out over a girl and settling the dispute by fighting each other.”
According to the report, the 14-year-old went to the park that was assigned to be the fight location with another 14 year old. When they arrived at the park to meet up with the 12 year old for the fight, the boy had a .22 pellet rifle and shot him.
The 12-year-old told deputies that he was scared when both boys showed up at the park and said he was using the pellet gun in the park shooting cans before the planned fight.
The 14-year-old was shot in the hand and was treated for the injury. Ross Deputies secured the pellet gun as evidence.
An investigation has been launched and parents were asked to be at juvenile court this morning for a discussion.