CIRCLEVILLE – Ruth Wilson, a 35-year retired school teacher from Pickaway County, is teaching others “A diet for weight loss and long-term health.” Wilson’s background is a combination of Chemistry and Nutrition studies. “I wrote my thesis on diet and exercise because these things are interesting to me,” said Wilson.
Wilson said she went to weight watchers like programs ten times. “It was always a challenge to me also. Eventually, I just would starve myself all the time. The China Study and The Starch Solution I teach you about the chemicals in foods whats good for your body and what is not. Not only do you reduce weight on this diet, but it also is proven to reduce your chances of diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.”
“I’m foodie myself, I love to eat, now when I’m hungry I eat all the time,” said Wilson. Wilson says in her program where she has created a power point from the books for easier learning. “I cook for them, or we go out to eat, and I show them what I order or how I prepare my foods. They can try something new every class, said Wilson.”
Wilson says, “Her weight loss group is a 501 3C non-profit group, the low-cost of 6 dollars a meeting, 100% of it is given to her church for charities. “I like to teach, I like the purpose of helping people be healthier, and it gives me purpose as a retiree.”
Wilson gave me results from the 2014 to 2017 class of actual statements of people in the area claiming weight loss, lowering of cholesterol, and Blood sugar. Some members claim to have gone from using blood pressure meds to now being off those meds.
Janis Schoephoerster said, “I participated in “THE CHINA STUDY” class 2017 from January – May. Numbers before and after: Weight: lost 30 pounds. BMI: 28 to 23. Total Cholesterol lowered 46 mg/dL . Triglycerides: 153 to 120 mg/dL; Blood Sugar(glucose) 87 to 80; Blood Pressure 136/80 to 124/78 mmHg.
I feel terrific! I have more energy, less pain in my joints, and feel clear minded. My goal is to keep going, to be able to enjoy life as a healthier, fitter person who can join my daughter on trips and keep pace. I want to encourage anyone to give this a try. It makes you feel that good!”
More information on The program The China Study and The Starch Solution you can contact Ruth Wilson directly at 740-474-7019.