PICKAWAY – Vikings Bowled Hard against the Big Walnut Eagles on Friday but still came up short with a pin count for the boys at Big Walnut – 2091Teays Valley – 2067, and girls Teays Valley – 1306 Big Walnut – 1681
The Vikings Boys match up to the Big Walnut Eagles on Friday by a score of 2067-2091. The Vikings fell to 1-2 (1-2 COHSBC) on the season. Russell Orris from Teays Valley was the match medalist with a 464 series.
Stats: http://cohsbc.com/bwMatchStats.aspx?matchid=161839
Teays Valley – 1306 Big Walnut – 1681
The Lady Vikings fell to Big Walnut on Friday by a score of 1306-1681. Cassandra Sanders from Big Walnut was the match medalist with a 343 series. The Lady Vikings fall to 0-3 (0-3 COHSBC) on the season.
Stats: http://cohsbc.com/bwMatchStats.aspx?matchid=163068—