OHIO – The Ohio Department of Commerce’s Division of Unclaimed Funds helped return $389,671.35 in unclaimed funds to more than 800 claimants at this year’s Ohio State Fair.
The Divison reported that nearly one in three attendees that stopped by the Unclaimed Funds booth found missing money. The Division of Unclaimed Funds participates in the Ohio State Fair every year, setting up shop in the Department of Commerce booth to help reunite Ohioans with their lost or forgotten money.
One Ohioan found more than $71,000 in unclaimed funds. Most of the money came from dividends that belonged to his late mother. Man of the funds recovered were from dividends and insurance policies of deceased individuals. Stephen and Mary Sharp found more than $1,400 in an old checking account.
Unclaimed funds are money or the rights to money that have been dormant or forgotten. Common examples include checking and savings accounts, rent or utility deposits, uncashed checks. undelivered stock certificates and uncashed insurance policies. Ohioans may also have unclaimed safe deposit box items held by the Division.
For those Ohioans that didn’t make it to the fair, you can check unclaimedfunds.ohio.gov. Ohioans who locate funds can begin the claims process by uploading the required documents through the website. “Each year, we reconnect tens of thousands of people with their money and property through advertisements and participating in outreach events like the Ohio State Fair.
The fair provides us the opportunity to connect with people from across the state” said Akil Hardy, superintendent of the Division of Unclaimed Funds. “We had a successful time at the fair this year, and we look forward to returning in 2023.”
From July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022, the Division returned $134.5 million to Ohioans, paving 24,572 claims. The Division is currently safeguarding more than $3 billion in forgotten money Ohioans can check for unclaimed funds online or by calling 877-644-6823.