SOUTH BLOOMFIELD – A man who was arrested last month for multiple child sex crimes has pleaded Not Guilty in Court this week.
According to the Pickaway county sheriff department Christofer Shaver 49, of South Bloomfield was arrested for crimes against children
On October 26, 2021 the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, the Pickaway County Sheriff’s Office and the South Bloomfield Police Department executed a search warrant at 218 Briarwood Court South Bloomfield, Ohio.
The search warrant was based on information received from the National Center For Missing & Exploited Children. During the search, Detectives located evidence showing that child exploitation was taking place.
Christopher P. Shaver, 49-year-old male, from that address was taken into custody and charged with three counts of Pandering Obscenity Involving a Minor or Impaired Person all Felonies of the 2nd Degree and three
counts of Pandering Obscenity Involving a Minor or Impaired Person all Felonies of the 4th Degree.
Christofer Shaver was charged with 12 charges of Pandering obscenity involving a minor, and plead Not Guilty this week in Pickaway Court of COmmon Pleas and his pretrial will begin on 12/10/21