The February meeting of the Pickaway County Democratic Party was called to order at 7 p.m. Feb. 5 by Karen Bensonhaver, chairman.
Members recited the Pledge of Allegiance, which was followed by minutes from the November meeting and the treasurer’s report. Both were approved. There was no January meeting due to weather conditions.
Bensonhaver shared details with members regarding legislation dealing with the online voter registration system. She said Senator Frank LaRose will propose this legislation this month. Under the proposal, Ohio would join 25 other states offering some form of online voter registration or that have passed enabling legislation that is soon to be implemented.
The Ohio Democratic Party has new leadership. Former Cincinnati councilman David A. Pepper is the Ohio Democratic Party chairman. The co-chairperson is Ms. Nina Turner, the former Minority Whip for the Ohio Senate and the state Senator for the 25th District. They started their terms as of January 2015.
The next Blue Cocktail Hour at J.R. Hooks Restaurant is being planned. This is an enjoyable evening spent eating, socializing, talking with fellow Democrats, listening to candidates or discussing local issues. All Democrats are welcome to attend.
A search committee has been formed to find and interview future candidates.
Contact Karen Bensonhaver at 740-601-8708 for information pertaining to the Pickaway County Democratic Party.
If you have news to submit, please email it to [email protected]
This article originally appeared on The Pickaway News Journal