Home News Zwayer declares candidacy for Clerk of Courts in 2016

Zwayer declares candidacy for Clerk of Courts in 2016


Thomas Clark Zwayer

Dear Editor:

My name is Thomas Clark Zwayer, and I would like to take this opportunity to formally announce my candidacy for the position of Pickaway County Clerk of Courts.

A lifelong resident of Pickaway County, I am 52 years of age and have over 30 years of combined experience in public safety and service with the Ohio State Highway Patrol and the Bureau of Motor Vehicles, where I last served as lead technical manager for the Ohio Clerk of Courts Association.

A graduate of Logan Elm High School and Ohio University with a degree in criminal justice, my wife, Sherry, and I have been married for 28 years and are the parents of two adult children, Rachel and Zane.

During my lifelong career with law enforcement, public safety and the criminal justice communities, I have always made fiscally responsible decisions while providing the best possible service. The experienced management and bold leadership I provided was considered superior to all other systems maintained by the Ohio Department of Public Safety and was lauded as the model for all others to aspire.

I continue to consult to the Ohio Department of Public Safety in a supportive and developmental role to the Ohio Clerk of Courts Association for the development and implementation of the next generation of the title issuance system that will serve the clerks and the citizens of Ohio for many years to come.

I plan to introduce a new business model to the administration of the clerk of courts moving the office forward from its current stagnation. Our county is growing, industry is returning, new energy and ideas need to be brought to the clerk’s role with efficiency moved to the forefront and public service redefined. Working with key stakeholders and existing staff, my plan is to build a foundation of core values and lead the staff toward goal orientation and achievement. Together we can improve efficiency to the public as-well-as other county agencies saving tax dollars and generating new revenue.

Extended and improved services will be a step toward recovering the thousands of dollars we lose to surrounding counties. Seeking feedback and continual re-evaluation of services and performance will allow for ongoing improvement. These are practices that I have employed throughout my career in public service and have met with great success.

I was honored as the 2011 recipient of the Ohio Department of Public Safety’s Excellence in Service Award for Superior Customer Service provided to the Ohio Clerk of Courts Association:

“Because Tom Zwayer is a prime example of professionalism, hard work, optimism, and committed to the core values of the Ohio Department of Public Safety, he is being nominated for an employee recognition award.” – ODPS Assistance Chief Information Officer 09/21/2011.

The award was presented at a ceremony in October 2011 by the Director of Public Safety.

I ask that you give me your support so that I may bring this same efficiency, quality and professionalism to the citizens of Pickaway County as your next Clerk of Courts.

Thank you,

Thomas Clark Zwayer

This article originally appeared on The Pickaway News Journal