Home Press Releases Pickaway Clover Mixers 4-H Club

Pickaway Clover Mixers 4-H Club


The Pickaway Clover Mixers met on December 3, 2017. Our secretary called roll and members responded with their favorite Christmas song. We brought in food for our food pantry service project and are planning to help with the soup kitchen. We went over the changes for the 2018 fair and the dates the animals will be tagged.

Sadie Binkley presented her demonstration and new officers were sworn-in, which include:

  • President: Ashton Cotton
  • Vice President: Nick Vaginer
  • Treasurer: Allyson Cotton
  • Secretary: Clara Wilson
  • News Reporters: Sadie Binkley, Ella Borland, and Maggie Wilson
  • Health Leader: Grace Julian
  • Recreation Leader: Mark Wilson
  • After refreshments, our recreation leader lead us in a game of fall-over tag.
  • Our next meeting is January 14, 2018.