CIRCLEVILLE – According to Tim Wilson, “I think a combination of great weather, great location, and great band helped with the success of this event. Anytime we can get 800 Folks to come out and enjoy downtown Circleville in a fun event I would mark that as a success. I was happy to have Circleville Police department at the event, I think its a great opportunity for them to interact with the community and enjoy a great show at the same time. Its a great way for a new officer to meet the people of Circleville in a fun way.”
Sciotopost was given a opportunity for a exclusive interview with McGuffey Lane last night during the concert in downtown Circleville. Thanks to Cristy’s Pizza for helping me coordinate the interview.
Food was provided by
- Ice Cream from Cash Cold Cart
- Bourbon Chicken from The Thirsty Parrot Bar & Grill
- Russel Concessions
- Fried Fish from Box65
- Sno Cones from Pickaway Manor
- Wine and wine slushies from Manchester Hill Winery
- Countrytyme Kettlecorn
- Classic Brands Beer
- Water and Soda
- Cristy’s pizza provided food for the band
What did you think of the band last night?