CIRCLEVILLE – Circleville Government plans to sell off a decommissioned property via sealed bid or open auction. Goodchild Service Road off 23 was decommissioned when a new service road was built connecting South Court, 23 and Pickaway Crossing Plaza, the new service road offered pedestrians the ability to cross 23 and gave South Court street another access to 23, cutting down heavy traffic on Sperry Rd. Since completion of the construction in 2017 Goodchild service road was blocked off and cut off from use.
During Council last night August 8, 2018, City Council authorized The Mayor of Circleville to Advertise for bids and enter into a contract with the highest and best bidder for the sale of real estate owned by the city, formally part of the service road into the Pickaway Crossing Subdivision.
The Goodchild Service road is approximately .372 acres of land and is within Circleville zoning for taxes. I asked Don Sherman Service/Utility director for the city of Circleville what that land could be utilized for and he said, “The property could house a small business like a Rally’s or a Starbucks sized business. The property isn’t too wide, but it is deep.”
According to Sherman the Mayor is out of office for the next few weeks then the Mayor will decide on how the city will sell the property. We will keep you updated on the details of the sale when it comes available.