Home News Steubenville Catholic Priest Sentenced to Jail Time for Sexual Battery of a...

Steubenville Catholic Priest Sentenced to Jail Time for Sexual Battery of a 17 Year Old


GLOUSTER – Father Henry Christover Foxhoven, a Catholic priest in the Diocese in Steubenville, was charged on October 30, 2018 with eight counts of sexual battery.  Foxhoven, age 45, of Glouster, is accused of engaging in sexual conduct with a minor female between August 17, 2018 and October 25, 2018. The minor is a member of Holy Cross in Glouster, Ohio, one of Foxhoven’s two parishes.

On November 27, 2018 Foxhoven was charged with three counts of sexual battery and sentenced to 12 years in prison.  After release he will be held under 5 years of probation of mandatory post release control and subject to Tier III Sex offender registration that will require he report every 90 days for the rest of his life.

According to Court records, Foxhoven admitted to having a sexual relationship with the 17 year old girl, who is now pregnant with his child.

The Diocese in Steubenville reported the allegations to the Athens County Sheriff’s Office when they became aware of them on October 27, 2018 and had continued to cooperate with the investigation. Foxhoven was immediately suspended from practicing all religious services and was barred from church property by Bishop Monforton of the Diocese in Steubenville.

Sheriff Rodney Smith states that “On October 29,2018, Detective Ryan Gillette organized the execution of a search warrant of Foxhoven’s residence and was assisted by the Athens County Prosecutor’s Office.  Evidence of criminal activity, such as several used condoms and a used pregnancy test with a positive indication were found. Those items will be sent to BCI for testing and analysis.”

Foxhoven appeared in Athens Municipal Court on October 30, 2018. The State requested a million dollar bond and Foxhoven is scheduled to appear before the Athens County Municipal Court for a preliminary hearing on November 29th,2018.


  1. Sadly the young girl will have a long road to start to heal. Hopefully she will get some help.
    Maybe law enforcement should look at the possibility that this priest’s co-workers or supervisors may have ignored or hidden signs of his abusive behavior

    Let’s hope that anyone who may have knowledge or may have been harmed by Fr Henry Christopher Foxhoven will come forward and contact law enforcement. Silence only hurts, and by speaking up there is a chance for healing, exposing the truth, and therefore protecting others.

    Judy Jones, SNAP “Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests” 636-433-2511, [email protected]

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