Scioto Sassafras
Submitted by: Emily Frick
At the January 14th Scioto Sassafras 4-H club meeting many topics were discussed. The first item of business was club service projects. The club decided that they would be sponsoring an animal pen at the fairgrounds, working in a soup kitchen, and visiting local nursing homes. Next, the club discussed membership requirements and signed the club’s bylaws. Then, the club members discussed Jr. Achievement Records and officer training, which is where officers, such as the president of the club, go to learn more about their office. After that the club members were given small posters to put up to celebrate Pickaway County 4-H week, which is the last week of January, and to promote the club. Finally, the cloverbuds, who are club members in kindergarten to second grade, recited the 4-H pledge and shared what the four H’s stand for with the rest of the club. Snack was provided by club members. At the next meeting themes for this year’s 4-H booth will be discussed. The next Scioto Sassafras 4-H club meeting will be held on Monday, January 28th, at 7pm in the Scioto Elementary cafeteria.
Buttons & Bowls
Submitted by: Isabelle Capsel
Buttons & Bowls 4-H Club held its first meeting of the year on Monday January 7th at 7 PM at St. Paul UMC. Sixteen members were present. Isabelle Capsel and Wyatt Coleman led the pledges. Members were assigned to the following committees: Community Service; Club Tour; Fair Parade; 4-H Window and Fair Booth. Advisor Jen Hendershot gave a report on the club fundraising for the year. Members selected projects and paid annual dues. Election of officers took place: President- Emma McKibben; Vice President- Wyatt Coleman; Secretary- Claire Bradbury; Treasurer- Sylvia Mayhugh; News Reporter-Isabelle Capsel; Co-Historians- Olivia Snyder and Rachel Peters; Health Leader- Kimber Waddell; Safety Leader- Samantha Mayhugh; Recreation Leader- Hannah Daniels. Club members worked on goal writing and the Colverbuds completed an “All about Me” project. Advisors Jen Hendershot and Lisa Hedrick provided snacks. The next Buttons & Bowls 4-H Club meeting is January 21st at 7 PM at St. Paul UMC.