CIRCLEVILLE – A new face in town has decided to throw his hat into the ring for City Council, recently moved from Grove City Brandon Elswick (D) said he moved because Grove City had gotten away from its small town roots and thinks Circleville is perfect for him. Elswick works for Worthington steel in Columbus.
“My name is Brandon Elswick I’m 30years old I moved to Circleville in November with my girlfriend, two sons, and my daughter. Since we have been here we have loved this town. From the local shops, schools, and local citizens. I feel its is my responsibility to this town to do everything I can do to make sure it prospers. I feel its important to provide parks as well programs for the children of this town. I believe that roads and sidewalk upkeep is very important to any towns growth. The people of this town should be able to voice their opinions as well as know where there tax dollars are being spent.I would like to thank Jeremy and the scioto post for giving me this opportunity to get my name out there.”
Recently I interviewed Elswick with two other candidates at SciotoValley Coffee here in Circleville