CIRCLEVILLE – Sounds terrible doesn’t it Super Worm moon, but it really gets your attention and sparks interest huh? Its called a worm moon because of the thawing of the ground where nightcrawlers start to show up again on the ground and sidewalks during wet times. Its also when the robins return and you will see them out scooping out these little meat tube delights.
The Super Moon will be visible by the Eastern part of the United States at 9:43 p.m., just under four hours after the vernal equinox according to The vernal equinox is when daytime and nighttime have about the same amount of hours throughout the day.
The moon will do a few cool things in the next few days, not just on March 20. Tonight March 18th the moon can be seen in almost its “full moon” sequence but it will be alongside one of the brightest starts in the sky making it quite a site to see.