Home News Columbus Clippers Offer Free Tickets to Military from July 4 to 7th

Columbus Clippers Offer Free Tickets to Military from July 4 to 7th


COLUMBUS -The Columbus Clippers are giving away tickets for any active or retired military personel from July 4 to July 7th. This is for home games series against Louisville. Family members and friends can purchase tickets for 5 bucks. To celebrate the soldiers and men lost the park will have fireworks every night of the offer.

To receive tickets you can use the discount code “MILITARY” in the checkout portion online at this link:https://www.ticketoffices.com/venues/huntington-park-tickets/Columbus+Clippers?gclid=EAIaIQobChMItJ6kqqic4wIVBNNkCh3AfgkeEAAYASAAEgLOUfD_BwE

There is a limit of two tickets online and you can get more tickets by contacted the box office at 614-462-5250