Home News BREAKING NEWS – Man Hunt for Individual who Rammed Police in Pike...

BREAKING NEWS – Man Hunt for Individual who Rammed Police in Pike County


PIKE – A massive man hunt looking for a man who supposedly stole a car and ran from police have both Ross and Pike county chasing the wanted man.

A white male about 150-160 lbs was reported in Beaver Ohio who hit a police vehicle head on during a police chase. In the pursuit the man hit a tree with the stolen car and went down 150 foot embankment on Walker Ridge, according to Scanner traffic. The police then reported that the man injured from the crash fled the scene on foot.

Police are searching the area with multiple units and a helicopter has been dispatched.

Currently the police are still searching for the man, but have a positive I.D. on him

This is a breaking news report and will be updated with more information when its received.