Home News Teenage Pregnancy: How It Can Change Your Life

Teenage Pregnancy: How It Can Change Your Life


Teen pregnancy is a concerning problem towards the youth and the reason behind is that teenagers don’t recognize the aftermath of teenage pregnancy. As a result, teenagers engage in unprotected sex at parties or with someone they “trust” whole their still in college or university.

Pregnant teens have to deal with more than common student problems, making it harder and brings life-changing effects. Although some try to ignore the fact that their life will change, the truth is life will change. What are the changes that you can expect?

Emotional despair

Although most of the time, having a child is a joyful life event, but if you are not emotionally and physically to fit to have a baby, you will have some serious emotional drawbacks.

For example, you may be emotionally down when you receive the news when you consider the opinion others will have on you. That emotional pain might drag on for a while and can affect your point of view on your child even after it is born.

The worst part is that if that teen faces an unsupportive family, she might be emotionally unstable to the extent where she doesn’t even want to speak out about any health problems she faces. This has the potential of causing complications when giving birth.

School will slack off

This is undoubtedly one of the most negative effects on teenage pregnancy because education is mostly the determining factor for success. However, some teenagers don’t realize the intensive task of raising a child and that’s evident by the reckless behavior they show.

Students need to remember that they are still in college or university and they need to do all their assignments and study hard. However, to be prepared for the unexpected, students should add a bookmark of essay writing service online of high quality. Professional writers online help you with thesis, dissertation, essays or any type of writing that you need.

The truth is, it is hard raising a child when you are still a child yourself, so teenagers should understand the importance of being very careful during their schooling years. Think about the time you will lose going for medical checkups. Some may not even have the ability to continue with school because of the responsibility of being a parent.

Relationship between the parents

The relationship between the pregnant teen and the father of the baby may be very strategic because of many reasons. The father may not have been expecting this, or maybe he was just looking for a no strings attached relationship.

This heightens the risk of the fathers being absent during their children’s lives and as a result, children may start having some social or mental issues. The kids as they grow may start isolating themselves or develop mental illnesses caused by neglect.

Even if they do end up getting married in pursuit of trying to develop a stable household for the child, the unplanned pregnancy may cause numerous problems.

The new family will have a lot of financial problems as they start out and even the mother may need to get a job which robs the child the quality time it deserves with its parents.

Mental conditions

Teenage mothers are exposed to many mental health risks, including depression, substance abuse, and post-traumatic disorder. They may seek solace from all the problems they face in the wrong places.

For example, they may abuse alcohol and use other addictive drugs which impose health risks to the unborn child. Since most teenage pregnancies occur in impoverished areas, the stress of finding a job to feed the child and dealing with parenthood may burden these young mothers.

All that stress may lead the teenage mother to depression and anxiety and since those conditions can be hereditary, their children may also show some odd behavioral patterns.

Medical conditions

Teenage pregnancy comes with twofold health detriments, ones that affect the mother and ones that affect the child. Your child can get born prematurely and that comes with its own risks like sudden infant death syndrome, asthma, infections, and feeding problems.

Your child can also be at risk of having anemia and the mother can get high blood pressure called pregnancy-induced hypertension. Also, a wide range of health conditions can be presented to teenage mothers and their unborn children due to the lack of prenatal care they should be receiving.

Additionally, other psychological and physiological conditions may appear on a case to case basis that may cause long-lasting health problems.


To avoid all these consequences caused by teenage pregnancy avoid unprotected sex and only start having sexual intercourse after you have reached the legal age. If you do want to engage in unprotected sex and you are over the legal age, only have one partner and visit a family planning expert to prescribe contraceptives you can use to avoid unwanted teenage pregnancy.

The most recommended thing is engaging in sexual activities once you are done with school and ready to settle. This will save you a lot of baby father drama and will give your child a stable environment to grow in and help you avoid facing pregnant teen issues.

Author Bio:

Alvin Franklin is an education specialist and a career coach who has spent years helping students cope up with mental pressure of competitive education and focusing on health issues related to it. He’s also an avid blogger and an academic writer as well. In his free time, he loves to go out for walks, cook and play with his dogs.