Home News Circleville OH- Mayor Proclomates “Officer David McIntyre Day”

Circleville OH- Mayor Proclomates “Officer David McIntyre Day”


David McIntyre has served as a Police Officer for the city of Circleville for 4 years and is highly respected by the citizens of Circleville, Ohio.

David serves as a Resource Officer for Circleville City Schools where he is highly respected by faculty and students. McIntyre has shown leadership and was instrumental in the formation on Foundation4Youth. He takes pride in the interaction with the youth in our community and works numerous hours to be present at local events for the youth.

The City of Circleville admires his ability to recognize the importance of being a positive influence on our next generation of leaders.

David has been named COSI STEM Star and Grand Marshall of 2020 COSI Science Festival.

In recognition of Officer David McIntyre’s unending dedication to the City of Circleville, Friday, October 18th is hereby proclaimed “Officer David McIntyre Day” by the City of Circleville and in doing so we encourage all Citizens to join us in thanking him for his service!

Watch the video below to see McIntyre receive his recognition!

Pumpkin Show Coverage: COSI is at Pumpkin Park with a presentation to Circleville Police Department Officer David McIntyre and Circleville’s Mayor Donald McIlroy

Posted by Scioto Post on Friday, October 18, 2019