Home News Pickaway-Ross Former Student to Appear on Forge in Fire Tonight

Pickaway-Ross Former Student to Appear on Forge in Fire Tonight

photo from History.com

RICHWOOD – Pickaway Ross Vocational Career and Technical Center is announcing that Justin Chenault a former student recently competed on History Channels forged in fire and the show is airing tonight.

Chenault now lives in Richwood Ohio and is a owner operator of Justins Chenault Custom Knives. Chenault is originally from Laurelville Ohio.

At 10 pm on the History channel you can watch the show. Basically the show is four blade smiths from around the country to compete to create a special knife based on set parameters in a limited amount of time. Its a elimination game where the judges test the knives made for sharpness and durability. Judges then eliminate down to two and the two remaining contestants make a special blade at their own forges to try to become the forge in fire champion.

Heres what he looks like to cheer him on for OHIO