USA – A study out of the UK says that men find refuge in the bathrooms to escape chores and life.
The Uk study said that more than a 1/3 of polled men of 1,000 people said they spend time in the bathroom on their phones to be undisturbed. The study did show that men were sometimes disturbed, but they claimed that a total of 7 hours a year spent on the toilet for only peace and quiet.
The same study polled women who only 1/5 of 1,000 claimed they sought refuge in the bathroom.
A Quote from Pebble Grey that The Independent received said, ” “We all need a little bit of time to ourselves – to take stock or switch off completely, and the bathroom appears to be the go-to place for those moments – it’s very much a sanctuary, somewhere we can cut ourselves off from the outside world, albeit just temporarily.