Week in Review – Top Incidents
Jan. 27, 2020
*Auto Accident, Basil-Western Rd. Vehicle into a pole. The driver was issued a citation and AEP repairing the pole.
*Traffic Stop, Diley Rd/IFO Meijer. Deputy initiated a traffic stop on a vehicle for speeding. It was determined that the driver was impaired, and the driver was transported to the CW sub where he submitted to a urine sample. He was then released to a responsible party.
*Vandalism, Dietz Dr., Canal Winchester, Caller stated unknown person(s) broke into his vehicle (popped the locks); reported nothing missing.
*Injury Auto Accident, Doty Rd / SR 256 NW; Liberty Twp. – 2 vehicles; minor injury.
*Narcotics, 8300 Meijer Dr, Unit noticed a suspicious vehicle in the parking lot of Meijer, Unit made contact and the suspect was found to have drug paraphernalia on him, summons issued.
*Larceny, Bethel Rd, Numerous item and tools taken from an outbuilding, Possible known subject.
Jan. 28, 2020
*Theft, Sixteenth Rd., Caller states his identity was stolen.
*Theft, Decker Ave., Caller states a gun was stolen from his vehicle.
*Theft, Pine Grove Rd., Caller states two packages were taken from the property.
*Theft of Firearm, Thrush Dr. Victim advised someone stole his 9mm from his unlocked vehicle overnight.
Jan. 29, 2020
*Auto Accident, Webb Summit Rd. @ Logan-Thornville Rd., 2 vehicle auto accident w/injuries. One driver had to be extracted from the vehicle he was operating. A medical helicopter was used to transport this subject to the Hospital.
*Theft, Lakeview Circle, Caller states her identity was stolen.
Jan. 30, 2020
*Theft, Pump Station Rd., Caller states that several chainsaws and other tools taken from a barn.
*Theft, West Point Rd., Caller states her mail was taken from her mailbox.
*Stolen Vehicle, Hopewell Church Rd., The victim states his vehicle was broke down and parked at Firemen Park on Hamburg Rd., 2001 Gold + Primmer Chevy Silverado.
Jan. 31, 2020
*Burglary in Progress, Hopewell Church Rd. Victim called to state that her residence was broken into and items stolen from the house. Caller states that it is known suspect(s).
Feb. 1, 2020
*B&E, Buckeye Lake Winery on Rosewood Dr. Manager advised someone broke into a shed sometime this week.
*Stolen Vehicle, Victim advised she sold a dirt bike to an individual. The male took the dirt bike and left. The victim realized after, that he gave her all counterfeit money. Bike was entered as stolen.
*Units did a follow-up in regard to the Burglary from last night on Hopewell Church. Female suspect had a warrant for her arrest. She was transported to jail and follow-up conducted with her probation officer who placed a holder on her.
Feb. 2, 2020
*Larceny, 800 W. Walnut St Canal, theft from BP Canal, suspects left before units arrived.
*Narcotics, 6647 Winchester Blvd, lost prevention advised suspect was possibly doing fraudulent return, Suspect was found to have drug paraphernalia on him.