Home News OSP Sergeant Rescues Distraught Person in Middle of Roadway on His Day...

OSP Sergeant Rescues Distraught Person in Middle of Roadway on His Day Off


Columbus – Ohio State Highway Patrol Sergeant Daniel W. Morrison was honored today for his heroic actions while off duty. He was presented with the Superintendent’s Citation of Merit award at the Lisbon Post by Colonel Richard S. Fambro, Patrol superintendent.

On December 31, Sgt. Morrison and his family were traveling on Interstate 80 when he saw a person running on the interstate toward the center lane. The pedestrian seemed highly agitated, and Sgt. Morrison was concerned for the person’s safety. Sgt. Morrison pulled over and asked his wife to call 911 as he exited the vehicle. He approached the pedestrian and was able to get the person to walk toward the shoulder of the road. The person was distraught regarding medical and family issues.

The person pulled away from Sgt. Morrison as he approached the berm. To ensure the safety and well-being of the pedestrian, Sgt. Morrison took him into custody where he was unable to harm himself or others until additional law enforcement arrived. The pedestrian was transported to a local hospital for both a physical and mental evaluation.

Sgt. Morrison’s off-duty actions were quick, appropriate and possibly saved the life of a distraught young man. It was determined by the Girard Police Department that the pedestrian intended to commit suicide.

Sgt. Morrison is a member of the 150th Academy Class. He earned his commission in April 2011. He was promoted to sergeant in September 2017 and is currently assigned to the Lisbon Post.