Home News Ashville Announces 2020 Food Truck Festival is a Go

Ashville Announces 2020 Food Truck Festival is a Go


ASHVILLE –  Ashville food truck and community festival is set to kick off next month, and they have made some major changes to the event that will make you smile!

Ashville’s 3nd annual food truck festival kicks off Friday July 17th and 18th, yes two days of fun, food and music! What else is different is they have moved the event to Ashville Village park for ease of parking and expansion on the amazing event in downtown Ashville.  The event is bigger and better than last years event, offering high end food trucks that will cater your tastebuds, Live Music by great artists, Arts and Crafts that are fun for all ages, and Kid Activities all day long.  All to benefit the local Ohio Small town Museum that holds important history of the area.

According to the Food Truck festival they have sat down with the Pickaway Health Department and been given the thumbs up to move forward with the food festival.

“We have their recommendations and are going to do the best we can to ensure a safe and fun event for the community. So mark your calendar and come join us for live music and good food.”

If you don’t know what the Ashville food truck event is, the Ashville Food Truck event brings in Gourmet food trucks who cater to high end businesses in Columbus all year long. They also bring in local food vendors, free music and fun. The event has been going on since 2017 and Sciotopost has been part of it since the beginning!

Currently the food truck festival is looking for vendors at the festival, if you are interested in being part of the event message the group.

More information on the specialized food trucks that will be at the event this year, vendors and music will be released soon so keep on top of sciotopost news to see whats going on.