OHIO – People who have suffered through closings and stay at home orders may suffer through possible shut offs that have been on hold since March.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio asked regulated utilities to consider what they could do to reduce the economic impact on Ohioans and ensure utility access regardless of payment status.
The Commission made it clear these emergency measures would not relieve customers of the requirement to pay for utility service. Many regulated and non-regulated utilities responded to the request.
As the state continues to move through the pandemic, the utilities are now beginning to outline processes and procedures to request payment and if necessary, disconnect customers for nonpayment. PUCO rules and regulations require the utilities to offer payment plans to help customers maintain service. The Commission also required the utilities to offer extended payment plans and expanded these programs to non-residential customers.
Additionally, some utilities have temporarily reduced or temporarily waived the collection of minimum demand changes for non-residential customers.
Below is a list of electric companies and plans to resume shut off measures. Companies do offer payment assistance opportunities for possible relief of payments or extended shut off.
AEP Ohio | Company website
(800) 672-2231 |
20-602-EL-UNC | Restart plan | September 1, 2020 |
Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company | Company website
(800) 589-3101 |
20-1025-EL-WVR | Not yet filed | September 15, 2020* |
Dayton Power & Light | Company website
(800) 433-8500 |
20-650-EL-AAM | Restart plan | September 1, 2020 |
Duke Energy Ohio | Company website
(800) 544-6900 |
20-599-GE-UNC | Restart plan | September 1, 2020 |
Ohio Edison | Company website
(800) 633-4766 |
20-1025-EL-WVR | Not yet filed | September 15, 2020* |
Toledo Edison | Company website
(800) 447-3333 |
20-1025-EL-WVR | Not yet filed | September 15, 2020* |