JACKSON – Coalton fire department is reporting a near miss again today when a vehicle collided with their fire engine while they were on scene.
“Today for the second time in less than 6 months we’ve had a truck get hit while working different calls on US RT 35….. luckily noone was injured but we cannot stress enough to SLOW DOWN AND MOVE OVER,” was said by the department on a social media post.
The sideswipe from the vehicle did extensive damage to the engine. Being a small volunteer department resources are limited and backup fire engines are usually out of date older equipment. Damages like this will take time to repair leaving a department with less.
To make matters worse the department reported that last year they had several near missed while on scene and some of the firefighters had to jump out of the way to avoid getting hit by vehicles.
Law Enforcement and Safety enforcement want to remind people to slow down and move over when you see this equipment in the road.