Home News Governor Dewine Says They Will Hold Vaccinations for 65+ Until Vaccine Demand...

Governor Dewine Says They Will Hold Vaccinations for 65+ Until Vaccine Demand Drops for That Age Group


OHIO – Governor Dewine says that they will hold on to vaccine access to anyone under the age of 65 without special medical clearances until the State has satisfied the vaccine demand in this age group.

Age is a top indicator for the likelihood of death from COVID-19, in fact, a 97-98% majority of deaths from COVID fall in one group ago 50 years old and up. That group can be filtered down to 87% of all deaths in Ohio are 65 years old and up.

This means that a majority of the vaccines will go towards these groups until satisfied that everyone in those groups that want a vaccine shot gets one.

The other smaller group of people who the Department of Health is targeting is people with certain medical conditions. Dewine says that they will reach out to Hospitals and Doctors to identify people who fall in this criteria for the availability of the vaccine.

Currently over 800,000 people over the age of 65 have received at least the first dose of the vaccination. Only 23% of 65 year old’s have currently started vaccination process.