Home News Pickaway Library will Host the COSI Science Festival: Simple Machines – May...

Pickaway Library will Host the COSI Science Festival: Simple Machines – May 6


PICKAWAY – COSI Science Festival is virtual for the second year. This year Pickaway County Library & OSU Extension will help COSI team members put together a Rube Goldberg machine, a simple machine that does a simple task in a complicated way.

Please register to join the fun on May 6 at 6PM – go.clcohio.org/SciFest2021.

To work virtually alongside the team members, here are some suggested materials for your Rube Goldberg machine:BookYarn or cotton stringPaper clip2 Rulers, or one ruler and one piece of plastic car trackLarge cylinder like oatmeal container or coffee canPlastic or styrofoam cup, lightweight shallow container that can fit on one end of your second larger rulerSmall ball, like ping pong ballDominoes or small wooden blocksToy car or truckTissue boxTapeSmall flat rock or magnet circles for counterweight
See all the library’s virtual offerings at pickawaylib.org.