COLUMBUS – On November 1, 2021, to date there have been 172 murders in the capital city of Columbus Ohio. Columbus Police have released a to date summary of that report.
A murder happens in Columbus every 2.1 days this year half of those murders have gone unsolved.
According to a press release from the police department homicide is up significantly in the last two years. In 2020 Columbus police reported a total of 175 murders in 2020 a record number, and 2021 looks to outpace last year’s deadliest years.
In January of 2021, Columbus City Council Addressed the violence in the city
City Council announced a series of town hall discussions to gain further insight into reimagining safety in the capital City. Each forum features subject-matter experts leading the conversation and opportunities for public dialogue.
“Our community is facing multiple crises at the onset of 2021 including a deadly pandemic, its impacts on the economy, violence in our neighborhoods, and mental health and addiction crises we have battled for years,” said Councilmember Mitchell J. Brown. “In this challenging time, it is vital that City Council continue to think critically and innovatively to ensure our public safety resources meet the needs of the residents they serve.”
In 2020, Council began the initial phase of reform with the passage of a comprehensive legislative safety package, which included independent investigations into lethal force, demilitarization of police, limiting no-knock raids, and instituting background checks for hate-group affiliation. This series continues the ongoing deliberations of the City’s Operating Budget.