ROSS COUNTY – Who was arrested in Ross County on 12/27/21, the following list of people are individuals that were charged with a crime yesterday
GUSTIN, SCOTLYN, 23 2913.31 – Forgery – 2 counts Ross County Sheriff’s Office
CLINE, ERICK, 35 2913.51 – Receiving Stolen Property; 2919.25 – Domestic
Violence; 2921.32 – Obstructing Justice
Ross County Sheriff’s Office
DOBBINS, JOHN JR, 54 2919.25 – Domestic Violence Chillicothe Police Department
HASHMAN, JOSEPH, 42 2925.14 – Drug Paraphernalia Chillicothe Police Department
COUGHENOUR, ANGEL, 35 2913.02A1 – Theft _ without consent Chillicothe Police Department
GRIESHEIMER, MARK, 38 2903.211A1 – Menacing by Stalking _ knowingly cause to believe physical harm or cause mental distress
Chillicothe Police Department
TABOR, DWAYNE APA Hold – Parole Holder Ross County Sheriff’s Office Yes