PEDRO Ohio – The 1,300-acre Kimble Complex Fire is burning in the Ironton Ranger District of the Wayne National Forest. The wildfire is in Lawrence County, south of Telegraph Hill Road, east of Ohio State Route 93, and west of Vernon-Painter Creek Road.
The public is urged to avoid the area while firefighters work to contain the wildfire. Significant smoke might cause decreased visibility in the area, including along Ohio State Route 93. At this time, there are no road closures in place. No trails are impacted by this wildfire.
Multiple small wildfires started on November 8th in the Wayne National Forest. These fires burned together into a more significant single wildfire. On November 9th, the wildfire grew in size due to warm, dry, and windy conditions and burned in a southerly direction. The wildfire is burning on National Forest System and privately-owned lands. Several crews, engines, and other resources are at the scene, and more firefighting resources are coming.
Since Tuesday the US forest service has been working to extinguish the fire.
Wayne National forest is around 833,000 acres large.