Home News Easter Bunny Parade is Back in Ashville

Easter Bunny Parade is Back in Ashville



Ashville EASTER BUNNY parade has some fun stuff planned! The parade will take place on April 2nd @ 2!

If you would like to join in on the parade with a decorated vehicle, please show up to 4 Ashton Drive in Ashton Village by 1:30 to get in formation! Each car is required to honk, throw out candy and help make noice for EB! It’s your job to get the kids outside

The map of the route will be given out shortly as well as the rest of the details for photo opportunities and location.

For now…. The events NEED EGGS!
Please contact Brianna Cline or drop off eggs to 4 Ashton Drive!
You can also order them and have Amazon deliver to the address as well! They will be collecting eggs and candy all the way until the big day!

This has become a huge tradition and with all the help from our community and participants…. 2023 will be bigger than ever!