Home News Governor Dewines Office is Providing Thousands of Free Ohio State Fair Tickets...

Governor Dewines Office is Providing Thousands of Free Ohio State Fair Tickets to Foster Children


Governor DeWine’s office is providing 10,000 Ohio State Fair tickets to resource caregivers and the youth in their homes, youth placed in congregate care facilities, and young adults enrolled in Bridges!

Resource families (foster and kinship caregivers) will be able to complete this short online form: https://forms.office.com/g/u4iz7uTvAJ Resource Family 2023 Ohio State Fair Tickets to request tickets to the fair. Families will be able to request tickets starting at 9:00 AM on Friday, June 2, 2023, until 5:00 PM on Friday, June 16, 2023.

Tickets are available first come first serve. Families requesting tickets should only request tickets for individuals in their household. Children 5 years of age and younger do not need a ticket to the fair this year, so families should NOT include them in the number of tickets requested. Tickets are limited to six per family, though the system will allow the caregiver to indicate if they need additional tickets based on individual circumstances.

It might be possible that over 10,000 tickets could be requested in the system before we are able to close the forms.

Tickets will be mailed to agencies the week of June 19, 2022. You will receive the total number of tickets requested along with an Excel list of your families and the number of tickets per family. Each agency can decide how to distribute the tickets to their families.

This year youth in congregate care settings are also able to attend the fair. Facilities interested in taking youth to the fair will need to request tickets using this short online form: 2023 Ohio State Fair Congregate Care Setting Tickets. Facilities will be able to request tickets starting at 9:00 AM on Friday, June 2, 2023, until 5:00 PM on Friday, June 16, 2023. The form also allows facilities to request tickets for the number of staff needed to supervise the youth attending the fair. All requests from facilities will be reviewed and approved by OFC foster care licensing staff. As there is a limited number of tickets, a request for tickets does not guarantee a facility
will receive tickets.

Ohio State fair will kick off this year July 26 to August 6, 2023 more info found here: https://www.ohiostatefair.com/