Circleville – Yesterday City of Circleville Council celebrated local volunteerism with an Ice Cream Social.
Circleville Council members Sheri Theis, Barry Keller, Todd Brady, Jeff Hallinin, Caryn Koch-Esterline, and Tom Duvall presented awards to volunteers of local boards. The volunteers were celebrated with an ice cream social from Dairy Shed at Ted Lewis’s new park.
Volunteers that were recognized included the following.
Planning & Zoning Commission: Richard Liston Mike Combs, Kimberly Frericks, Dorcas Morrow, Beth Mason
Metropolitan Housing Authority: Joy Ewing – Executive Director Katie Logan Hedges, Chair Jay Elsea, Vice Chair Kip Nungester, Michael Taylor Sr. Donald Hatfield
Board of Park Commissioners: Beth Mason, Chair Megan Travis Tyler Cruz
Pickaway County Board of Health: Mike Wolford. President Dr. Linda Iskra, Vice President Roxan Sigmon, Colin Hedges, Nancie Bechtel, Spencer Cheek, Mayor Mcllroy, Jim Stanley, Brenda Short, Suzanne Johnson, Valerie Dilley, Tami Robison, Doug Debord, Kim Hunter, Hannah Wynne, Brian Frost
Civil Service Commission: Matthew Tootle, Chair Amy Elsea Stacy Young
Historical Review Board Richard Verito, Chair Jessica Calder, Vice Chair Paul Johnson, Michael Combs, Richard Rhoades, Jane Shaw, William Adkins
Circleville Tree Commission: Roman Cline, Chair Laura Schweitzer, Vice Chair Alan Gribler, Lisa Wiseman, Mark Fouch, Lori Pritchard, Beth Kowalski
Downtown Redevelopment District Board Hank Kelly, Chair Mike Hartley Daryl Wolfe
Board of Zoning Appeals: Ken Greene, Chair Dennis Garlington, Vice Chair Connie Kelly, Kevin Driesbach, Misty Laxton
Joint Economic Development District Board: Michael Linton, Chair Glenn Reeser Along with reps from Sofidel and township
Circleville-Pickaway Lease Oversight Board: John Edgar, President Jean Droste, Matt Tootle, Scott Blue Gayle, Sharrett York