Chillicothe — David Taylor hails from the eastern corner of Congressional District 2 where he is a part-time assistant prosecutor for Clermont County, but keeps a concrete perspective by running the family business of Sardinia Ready Mix in Brown County.
I spoke with him in the supply room of the Republican Women of Ross County, after he introduced himself to more than a dozen attendees who gave him several complex questions in the ‘brown bag lunch’ series there.
Aside from the conservative complaints against the Biden administration and recent social issues, Taylor says he wants to address infrastructure issues in the Second District – especially energy prices that are reducing income and affecting the longer commutes in the area.
He also said he wants to see reliable internet and cell phone coverage in the Second District. I pointed out that he is a conservative arguing for regulation – but he said that the utilities are no longer luxuries, and the need for basic services to be evenly applied overrides any conservative tendency.
Taylor said the internet is more crucial in the work-from-home economy: people find it harder to apply for jobs online or to train for them, and that cell phone access is a safety and health issue.
Taylor currently has an ad running on iHeart Radio Southern Ohio, including WBEX, where a parallel is drawn between him and Donald Trump, who has the same initials. Taylor says he has the same ambitions for the country: energy dominance, energy exporting, reducing inflation, and more.
Taylor also emphasized that this is the first and last time he will run for office. Hear his own words in the below interview.
Note: As a responsible news reporter, I welcome and am obliged to cover candidates and issues on all sides!