Home News Get Ready for 2 1/2 Years of Chillicothe’s Bridge Street Improvements…and Construction

Get Ready for 2 1/2 Years of Chillicothe’s Bridge Street Improvements…and Construction

Tom Barnitz, ODOT District 9 Project Manager, gives a presentation to Chillicothe Council on March 11th, 2024.

Chillicothe — Council saw a presentation on ODOT’s plans to rework Bridge Street between spring 2025 and fall 2027.

This is according to the 30-minute presentation by Tom Barnitz, ODOT District 9 Project Manager, and his conversation with Chillicothe Council.

From the south end of the Scioto River bridge, to the entrance to Zane Plaza and the Chillicothe Mall, the state highway department plans to add a northbound lane, turn lanes, new traffic lights, a sidewalk and bike corridor – as well as to extend Marietta Road and repave the area with concrete…and more.

They hope to start work focusing south of the US 35 overpass in April of 2025. Then the area north of US 35 will be the focus in 2026. Overall work is hoped to be finished before the Christmas shopping season of 2027.

Traffic will be maintained, but most is hoped to be convinced to detour by way of US 35 to East Main Street, the State Route 207 Connector, and probably High Street.

I grabbed a few snapshots of the presentation, below. ODOT did not have the entire presentation available, but they did supply the below one-page fact sheet summarizing everything the Project Manager touched on at the Council meeting.

You can also see ODOT’s webpage on the project, and my report on ODOT’s open house in October of 2021. (My photos in the webstory are expired, but you can still listen to the interview audio.)

The work is planned rom the south end of the Scioto River bridge (left edge)…with the US 35 overpass at the midpoint…to the entrance to Zane Plaza and the Chillicothe Mall (right edge).
The goals of the Bridge Street reconstruction.
The planned extension of western Marietta Road to connect with North Plaza Boulevard.
Creating a raised sidewalk and bike lane on the east side of the Bridge Street bridge.
Examples of some of the new street furnishings.
Several “Pocket Parks” are planned along the added sidewalk / bike lane. Where it will cut under the US 35 overpass, these concrete blocks that look like local sandstone will be used for the retaining wall.
Stats on the project.
A one-page fact sheet summarizing the presentation to Chillicothe Council on March 11th, 2024.