Home News Fairfield County Commissioners to Consider Updated Comprehensive Plan at Public Meeting

Fairfield County Commissioners to Consider Updated Comprehensive Plan at Public Meeting


Lancaster, OH – The Fairfield County Board of Commissioners is scheduled to hold a public meeting on March 19th, 2024, at 9:00 am in the Commissioners’ Hearing Room on the 3rd floor of the Fairfield County Courthouse. The primary focus of the meeting will be the consideration and potential adoption of the Fairfield County Comprehensive Plan.

Plan Approval Recommended After Public Input

This development follows a recent vote by the Regional Planning Commission (RPC) on March 5th, 2024. During their public meeting, the RPC recommended the plan’s approval to the Board of Commissioners.

A Year of Community Engagement

The current iteration of the Comprehensive Plan is the culmination of nearly a year of dedicated planning sessions. This process actively solicited public input and feedback. In September 2023, after a public hearing, the Fairfield County Commissioners opted to pause the adoption process to facilitate further discussion and ensure all perspectives were incorporated.

Enhanced Communication and Collaboration

“Following the September hearing,” explained Fairfield County Commissioner Jeff Fix, “the Commissioners determined that additional communication efforts were necessary. We aimed to ensure that townships, villages, and residents all felt their voices were heard throughout the planning process.” Commissioner Fix expressed gratitude to the community for their active participation over the past few months, emphasizing the belief that the finalized plan provides a thoughtful and strategic framework for managing future growth within the county.

Extensive Community Outreach

Over the past five months, Commissioner Fix, along with Planning NEXT (the professional community planning company engaged for the project’s development), embarked on a series of 26 meetings across Fairfield County. These meetings targeted every township and village, with a focus on engaging trustees, mayors, and other local leaders. The format encouraged participation in working sessions specifically tailored to each community, fostering a collaborative approach to solidify the plan. Additionally, meetings were held with the Fairfield County Farm Bureau and Fairfield County School Superintendents to gather their insights.

Purpose and Function of the Comprehensive Plan

Once approved, the Comprehensive Plan will serve as Fairfield County’s official blueprint for managing growth, land use, and development. It is intended to provide a foundational framework for considering various growth-related policies, programs, regulations, and capital expenditures. The plan is envisioned as a valuable resource for local jurisdictions (townships, villages, and cities) as they manage growth and investment decisions within their respective communities. It is important to note that the plan is not a binding mandate and does not supersede existing local zoning regulations. However, it can serve as a helpful resource for considering potential zoning code and map amendments, ultimately guiding development within each community. The plan’s development and administration were funded by the Fairfield County Commissioners at the request of local trustees, mayors, and other leaders.

Incorporating Public Feedback

“The feedback we received during these local meetings has resulted in numerous changes to the plan,” remarked Commissioner Fix. He elaborated on the initial intention behind the project, emphasizing the desire for a proactive approach to guide development as the county continues to grow.

Public Access to the Plan

An updated version of the Comprehensive Plan is available for public review on the RPC website at https://www.co.fairfield.oh.us/rpc/pdf/FC-Comp-Plan-RPC-Board-Review-230801.pdf.

Potential Impact of Plan Adoption

If adopted by the Board of Commissioners, the Comprehensive Plan will supersede all previously adopted comprehensive and land use plans for Fairfield County. Furthermore, individual local jurisdictions can adopt the plan as their official policy document to guide future zoning and service decisions based on the specific needs and desires of their communities.

This public meeting on March 19th provides an opportunity for residents to learn more about the proposed Comprehensive Plan and voice their opinions before the Board of Commissioners considers its adoption.