Home News To Reach Ohio Voters, Candidates Should Pledge to Protect Social Security 

To Reach Ohio Voters, Candidates Should Pledge to Protect Social Security 

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Every election is historic in its own right, but this year’s has already proven to be especially significant with President Biden dropping out of the race with just a few months to go and the attempted assassination of former President Trump. It would be safe to say Americans are paying closer attention than ever to what is being said on the campaign trail this year, and candidates should take special care to make sure they’re not neglecting Social Security – an issue that holds great importance to voters here in Ohio and across the country. 

We are nearing the peak of the 2024 election cycle, and Ohioans are paying close attention to what the candidates vying for their votes are saying on the campaign trail. Our state is always an important one to win, but this year our election spotlight is being amplified. We have a hotly contested Senate race, with Senator Sherrod Brown running to keep his seat – which he’s held for 17 years – against Republican businessman Bernie Moreno. And with Senator JD Vance serving as former President Donald Trump’s running mate on the Republican presidential ticket this year, he would make history as the first Ohioan to serve in that role. 

With our state’s over-fifty population being the most committed to voting in this year’s election according to a recent poll, it’s imperative the candidates’ messages speak to this particular demographic. A simple way to do this is to reassure voters that the Social Security benefits they have worked their whole lives to earn will remain safe should these candidates be elected. When asked, this over-fifty voter group said that Social Security, Medicare and “policies that help people remain in their homes as they age” will help them decide who gets their vote at the ballot box. All candidates, whether for Senate or president, must remain committed to protecting these vital programs if they want to win over Ohio voters this fall. 

Former President Donald Trump has correctly identified Social Security as a key issue of the presidential campaign, and he’s made protecting retirement benefits a central part of his policy platform. In fact, Trumpand Vice President Kamala Harris have each used their opponent’s alleged support for cutting Social Security as a campaign slur, reinforcing the fact that support for Social Security is going to be a critical decider in this election. 

In Ohio’s Senate race, Bernie Moreno has followed Trump’s lead by voicing his support for protecting the Social Security program for current and future generations. Recently, Moreno went on the record to state that, “important programs that Americans have spent their lives paying into like Social Security and Medicare should never be put in jeopardy.” With Election Day right around the corner, Moreno would be smart to continue to make protecting seniors’ retirement benefits a key part of his campaign. 

Candidates running to win in Ohio should continue on this path of Social Security protection if they want to successfully reach the voters who can help decide their political fate in November. 

Steve Sydow

Ironton, OH