OHIO – An amusement park that had a operating legacy of over a hundred years in Ohio has sat in disarray for over 40 years is now planning to be converted to bring people to its property again.

Chippewa Lake Park operated as an amusement park from 1878 to 1978 the final owner Continental Business Enterprises closed it due to lack of attendance. In its Heyday the historic park had a steam boat ride, and one of its first rollercoaster had to have employees manually push the coaster back to start position.

The park was a full fledge amusement park that boasted rides throughout the years of roller coasters, Ferris Wheels, Fun Houses, Flying Cages, Octopus, Tilt a Whirl, and Many more.
Even after its closure, it was featured in a well known Hollywood movie Closed For the Season, shot in 2008 and released in 2010 that had mostly been shot at the location. Since then the property went into foreclosure some of the rides in the park were sold off to different interests for restoration, and now Ohio has stepped up to the plate to make something out of the location.

The Chippewa Lake Wetland Restoration Project is expected to cost $1.52 million. It is expected to be complete in December 2023. As part of Ohio Governor Mike DeWine’s H2Ohio initiative to reduce phosphorus, creating wetlands, addressing failing septic systems, and preventing lead contamination. Players on this interest are the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) and Medina County Park District.
The park is located on Ohio’s largest glacial lakes, Chippewa Lake. The lake has been subject to high nutrients causing heavy algae blooms and reducing water quality.
“Chippewa Lake Amusement Park once attracted visitors from far and wide to the shores of Ohio’s largest natural inland lake, and we are excited that this site will once again be an area for public recreation when it is reborn as a conservation-focused public park,” Medina County Park District Board of Commissioners member Andrew J. de Luna said. “There is a lot of work ahead, but this funding from H2Ohio dramatically accelerates the timeline for making it happen.”
The project will focus on diverting water from the Chippewa inlet into more than half a mile of newly restored stream channel to reduce nutrients flowing into the lake, including more than twenty acres of restored wetlands, and will add two acres of restored wetlands geared toward public outreach and educational opportunities for visitors to learn the benefits of these projects.
“Our H2Ohio project will not only benefit Medina County, but also everyone who lives downstream,” said Medina County Park District Director Nathan D. Eppink. “The return on this significant investment by H2Ohio will be exponential.”