Circleville – While some Ohioans enjoy the convenience of Sunday liquor sales, for others, the option depends on the results of local elections within their specific precincts.
Ohio law prohibits the general sale of intoxicating liquor, including beer, wine, and spirits, on Sundays. However, localities can hold special elections to allow such sales within their jurisdiction. These elections typically focus on permitting sales during designated hours, with two common options:
- 10:00 am – Midnight: This allows for Sunday sales with the same hours as some establishments operate on weekdays.
- 11:00 am – Midnight: This offers a slightly later start time for Sunday sales.
The decision to hold a Sunday sales election and the specific hours offered are determined by resident petitions and subsequent voting results. This means that even within the same county, some areas may allow Sunday sales while others do not.
During the Marches Election, Circleville Duke and Duchess located on East Main Street in Circleville asked voters if they would allow Sunday sales. Those results were 164 Yes to 94 No. Allowing the store to start selling on Sundays. It’s not 100% sure when they will start selling on Sundays see the store for more details.