Another Fatality in Pickaway County for the Month of October


    Another motor vehicle crash in the month of October brings the total number of fatal crashes for 2014 to 7. The main highway running through Pickaway County, US 23, seems to be the main area or roadway of concern for local traffic safety advocates. The Fatal Review Committee of the Safe Communities of Pickaway County Program discussed the trend of crashes and fatalities on US 23 at their last meeting in September. Although crashes occur throughout the county, US 23 has seen an increase in crashes ending in fatalities over the past year. Whether it is the increase in speed limits, the volume of traffic, or distractions and weather related issues, the concern remains that drivers need to be aware that they should put safety first every time they are behind the wheel of a motor vehicle.

    “It is important that drivers remember that crashes can and do happen, and that no one is immune to being involved in a motor vehicle crash”, stated Teresa C. Carper, Safe Communities Director. “Drivers and passengers can improve their chances of surviving a crash by simply buckling their seatbelt. Pickaway County remains below the average of seat belt use in Ohio, and is often a contributing factor in fatal results of a motor vehicle crash.”

    Speed is also a continuing factor in many crashes and fatalities. Safe speed limits are as important as the posted speed limits. By remembering that weather, volume of traffic, and road conditions should be considered in the rate of speed that drivers use when traveling can play a major role in crashes, and ultimately prevent injuries and deaths. Slow down, buckle up, put down the phone, and never drive impaired—four easy rules to increase your chances of safe travel in and out of Pickaway County.

    For more information on traffic safety, statistics, and talking to our younger drivers about safe driving habits, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has a website full of suggestions, statistics, and information. Visit the site at .

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