April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month! To raise awareness, the twelfth annual Parkinson’s Walk for a Cure will be held April 29, at Mary Virginia Crites-Hannan Park in Circleville as we seek to increase awareness and provide ongoing support to those patients and caregivers who are experiencing the life challenges of Parkinson’s disease (PD). We invite you to join us to walk this path in support of finding a cure as one of our causes.
The Walk on April 29th begins at 9:30 a.m. with registration from 8:30-9:30. The cost is $25 which includes a Parkinson’s Walk for a Cure event t-shirt. Online registration is available for individuals and teams at https://cutt.ly/walkforacure

If you are unable to attend and would like to make a donation, please visit the registration page via the above link. A free t-shirt is included with your donation of $25 or more.
Back by popular demand, they are having a very special “Delay the DiseaseTM” session for our guests. “Delay the DiseaseTM” is a national OhioHealth model of exercise for those with Parkinson’s. We invite everyone to experience this innovative program that seeks to assist
every person to integrate this critical component of wellness into their lifestyle.
As many of those who have or are serving within the walk have experienced the effect of Parkinson’s disease first-hand each of our families, we are committed to assisting other families in our community who are struggling to cope with the effects of this disease while supporting the ongoing research for a cure.
Half of the event’s proceeds remain here within our community through the Parkinson’s Fund managed by the Pickaway County Community Foundation, (PCCF). The Parkinson’s Walk for a Cure Committee provides aid to PD patients and their caregivers by offering special events, (e.g., support groups, educational programs, forums, and specialized programming) that will assist people with PD to manage their symptoms. We are continually working to increase community awareness of Parkinson’s disease. If you have a request or need, please visit PWFAC-OH.org to submit. You may also reach out to PCCF or DM Teresa Riffle through our FaceBook page, (i.e., Parkinson’s Walk for a Cure).
The other half of your support is donated to the Parkinson’s Foundation for Research to fund the ongoing research necessary to find a cure and more effective treatments of the disease.
We would like to say a special “thank you” to everyone who has walked this path in support of finding a cure; the Parkinson’s Walk for a Cure lead sponsors – OhioHealth, the Savings Bank, and the Wellman Family; Silver sponsors – The Riffle/Roush families, Bronze level sponsors – Paul and Carol Johnson, H.L. and Brenna Gibson and family, Team Olga, Ink My Logo. We also would like to thank the numerous champion and patron business leaders and organizations within the Circleville community for their continuing support – to everyone who has supported the walk for a cure!
Our mission is simple: we are here to serve other families within Pickaway county experiencing Parkinson’s disease and to fund those entities to find a cure.