Circleville – The Atomic Credit Union bank celebrated its opening in Circleville yesterday with a ribbon cutting and a tour of the bank.
The new location at the corner of Crites Road and South Court Street, is the 16th location underneath the local Credit Union, with one opening in Hillsborough soon.

Branch Manager Amiya McBee said, “We have a lot of member base in Circleville already. So we have been working really hard towards coming up to Pickaway County. It’s been a big request for members, and we think this is an incredible community to grow in. So finally, we made it happen. We’re up here in Pickaway. County, we’re very excited. We think there’s tremendous opportunity up here for everybody.”

So what does the Atomic Credit Union offer its members here in Pickaway County?
So we offer we’re pretty much a one-stop shop, we offer anything as far as checking in simple checking and savings, money markets, high rate, CDs, loans, mortgages, we offer it all. So business services, any other products that can help you financially, we’re here to help with that. We are all very well, educators as well. So if you walk in the doors, we’re going to educate you on, what can benefit you. And what can get you to where you need to be, do you have a goal? What is that goal? We will get you there. So we’re teachers as well. So, being a credit union, it’s pretty great that we’re here in Pickaway.”

Atomic Credit Union offers Apple Pay, online banking, bill pay, online transfers, and other online features.
“We are very well-driven for our members, we will bend over backward for you. I was a member way before I worked here and I was always amazed at the member service that they had for people. If you tell them your goal, they are going to lay out a plan for you. This is how you get there. We really take our time with people.”

The Credit Union broke ground in August of 2022 at this location they have 16 total locations with one opening in Hillsborough soon. Athens OH Beaver OH Chillicothe OH Bridge St Chillicothe OH Western Ave Circleville OH Jackson OH Logan OH Lucasville OH Minford OH Oak Hill OH Piketon OH Portsmouth OH Washington Court House OH Waverly OH Wellston OH Wheelersburg OH.