ATHENS – A man was arrested after threatening Sheriff Deputies with make-shift bo-staffs.
According to Athens Sheriff’s Department Deputies were dispatched to Scatter Ridge in regards to a trespass complaint. Upon patrolling the area, a male matching the suspect description was observed at Strouds Run State Park.
The suspect, was carrying two large sticks and upon seeing the deputy, the suspect began swinging the sticks and making threats toward the deputy. After refusing to comply with multiple verbal commands from the deputies, a taser was deployed and the suspect was taken into custody.
The suspect was identified as 35-year-old Michael T. Moyer Jr of Athens. Moyer was arrested and transported to SEORJ pending court. Adult Parole Authority placed a holder on Moyer as well. Moyer is charged with (1) one count of criminal damaging and (1) count of persistent disorderly conduct.

Moyer is being held on a 295.00 Bond