Chillicothe — Bernie Moreno, the Republican challenger to U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown (D), made a whirlwind campaign stop in town. He attracted Columbus news media…as well as Democratic opposition.
Moreno gave a stump speech to about 100 attendees who tried to squeeze into the headquarters of the Republican Women of Ross County at the corner of Water and High streets in Chillicothe.

But across the street was a large inflatable “fat cat” and members of the Democratic Party, just around the corner from Bernie Moreno’s campaign bus.
I wanted to ask Moreno questions different from what you might hear on the news – so I asked him about his businesses, and his response to the small demonstration across the street.
He said he has sold all businesses to divest himself from any conflicts of interest. Campaigning “is what I do all day, every day.”
On his website, Moreno describes that he began investing in car dealership in 2005, and then moved into blockchain technology in 2018.

As for the well-crafted twenty-foot scowling cat wearing a suit and smoking a cigar, holding an orange-vested worker by the neck and a bag of money, Moreno said the display was a joke.
“These are paid agitators. Look, they’ve got only six people to do it – it’s pretty pathetic. And that’s all he’s got. Think of how sad that is – that Sherrod Brown, after 50 years of elected office – the best he’s got is to disparage me because he can’t run on his record – because the people of Ross County know he’s screwed us over.
“He’s given us high prices, open borders, instability all over the world, and an assault on American energy. We’re gonna change them, we’re gonna retire the old commie on November fifth.”
Moreno accused the protestors as paid agitators from Columbus for Sherrod Brown, though I knew two of them as officers in the Ross County Democratic Party. (I had already spoken to Moreno so I could not get his response.) Chair Dona Meyer told me five were from Ross County and one from Pike.
Vice chair Reverend Terry Williams spoke on behalf of their showing. He said Moreno suppressed his workers and has multiple court cases on that. In contrast, Sherrod Brown “saved our VA and works hard for hard workers.”
Katie Smith, Senior Communications Advisor for the Ohio Democratic Party, provided this statement:
“The fat cat is out of the bag when it comes to Bernie Moreno’s long record putting himself ahead of workers. From stealing his employees’ wages and shredding evidence to try to get out of paying them, to lying about selling Chinese-made cars at Ohio workers’ expense, Ohioans see that Moreno won’t fight for them because he’s only out for himself.”
Hear from both sides, in the below interview videos – as well as get a glance around the minor media circus and see some ‘backstage’ scenes. (Apologies for the bad camera angle on Moreno at first – it was tight quarters and I shot this from under my chin!)