CIRCLEVILLE – Bialy Corp appeared tonight in front of the Historical review board asking for permission on two options on the Fitzparicks building on Franklin Street in Circleville.
Several properties owned by Rankin Inc. hit the Pickaway County sheriff’s auction and were sold to the highest bidder in the Summer of 2022. Since then Bialy Corp has been renovating the building breathing new life.

In a Historical review meeting in March Bialy asked for permission to start peeling back the layers of the Fitzparicks building uncovering the original structure to see what could be done to bring the building back to historic. Since then the company learned that during the energy crisis in the 1970s, the property reduced the size of the windows and added the T-111 siding to the building. Now that the siding has been removed it exposes the outline where the larger historical windows were, and the original brick from here Bialy explained he has two options and brought both to the review board for approval.
In the meeting, Bialy explain that the windows are ordered and are coming in with black trim, from there he has two options he explained to the review board.

“We need to get the windows in and determine what looks best, ” said Jon Bialy,”our options are my original idea to paint the brick white or because the brick is in ok shape keep it the current colored brick and just replace what needs to be.”

Bialy explained that brickwork will need to be done regardless and that he has already sourced a brick that looks identical to the ones on the building. During the meeting, he asked the review board to approve both choices and he would inform the city after the windows were in which way he would go.

The board agreed that both choices would be ok, and approved Bialy to move forward with the restoration.