Circleville – A investment company that acquires develops and manages properties is aiming to restore another property in Downtown Circleville.
During Monday night’s Historical Review board the company asked the board to pull some of the T1-11 siding off the historical building that has been applied for many years. According to the company hiding underneath are several larger windows that were historic to the structure.
“The windows were shrunk down due to the energy crisis,” said BialyCorp, ” Our goal is to remove the newer siding off the structure and uncover the historic windows and we believe the brick structure underneath. In order to make the next steps to renovation I need to take the siding off. If approved I would start the renovations on April 3, 2023. We will be installing a new sidewalk in front of the property. We plan to restore the larger windows in the property that are historic, and we either will keep the original brick the way it is or, we will paint it white, based off what is found after the siding is removed.”
The historical review board told BialyCorp that they could approve the siding removal and the sidewalk restoration at this time but he would have to come back to the review board for other changes when it is uncovered.
Richie Verito the board chair explained to Sciotopost that this step has been changed for future owners when it comes to removing some items from historical buildings during renovations that are not historic to streamline these renovations so owners do not have to be slowed by the board. The change would allow the city to approve some of these exploratory renovations without having to appear in front of the board.
Currently, a barber shop and a tattoo parlor are operating out of that space, with two more possible locations for new business.