Home News BREAKING: Circleville Mayor Makes Decision on Trick or Treat

BREAKING: Circleville Mayor Makes Decision on Trick or Treat


CIRCLEVILLE – Covid-19 has taken alot this year from us, spring events, fairs, Pumpkin show, and now we look towards fall/winter events and brace for impact.

Circleville City Mayor Don Mcllroy says that, “We have had so many disappointments this year and I definitely do not want this to be another one. For our children we need to do this.”

Mcllroy says that he is authorizing Trick or Treat events to happen October 31st Halloween from 4-6 pm. He wants people to wear masks and social distance, and have patience. Mcllroy says that if people do not want to participate he suggests they turn off their front lights and not answer the door for the two hour event.

“October 31st is also a Saturday,” Mcllroy said, “It will be a great day for kids to get out with their families.”

Sciotopost reached out to the health department weeks ago, and was told that they have not made any decisions for the county on Trick or Treat. We have not heard from other areas of Pickaway county yet either.